We create

team spirit

General Terms of Use

Meet the Germans

Meet the Germans is a platform for German speakers abroad and a trade name of klimeck consulting.

It is represented and operated by:

klimeck consulting
Thomas Klimeck
Im Niersgrund 37
47623 Kevelaer

+49 2832 406 306

VAT number: DE814642629

These Terms of Use govern the use of this website. By accessing this site, you agree to these Terms of Use. Please read these conditions carefully.

Regardless of the language of the conditions, the German version is legally binding in case of doubt.

1 Performance & Scope

1.1 These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between klimeck consulting (supplier) and you as a private user (user) and supersede any prior agreement regarding the same subject matter.

1.2 klimeck consulting offers Internet platforms for German-speaking speakers abroad via the trade name Meet the Germans. For the user, only the General Terms of Use of Meet the Germans apply. Deviating terms and conditions of both parties are not part of the contract unless the parties expressly agree in writing to this validity.

1.3 klimeck consulting offers commercial users (clients) the opportunity to place advertisements, listings, banners, etc. on Meet the Germans websites and Internet portals. In addition to the Terms of Use, the corresponding B2B conditions apply to the client.

1.4 klimeck consulting also offers consulting and support services in these contexts. The focus is on German speakers abroad, personnel and work matters.

2 Consent

2.1 The User declares that he has understood and agrees to these General Terms of Use and the legal notices regarding both the website and the information and services contained therein. The user accepts the terms of use expressly and unconditionally at the time of access to the website and the use of the services of klimeck consulting. If the user does not accept this, he is prohibited from using the services.

2.2 klimeck consulting reserves the right to change these conditions at any time. All conditions should be checked every time you visit the website. By accessing the website after changing the conditions, these conditions are considered accepted.

3 Registration and use as end-user (B2C)

3.1 Access and use are in general free to anyone who has the required ability to handle the Services responsibly, which means to understand and accept these Terms of Use and to avoid misconduct.

3.2 The access to editorial content of the Meet the Germans web pages is free of charge unless a fee is agreed for certain content under conclusion of a separate contract under special conditions of use.

3.3 If services provided by third parties are offered within the scope of services or on the website, the user must also accept the terms of use of the third party in the event of the use of corresponding services, since the contractual relationship between the user and the third party only applies to the conditions of use of the third party. The validity of these General Terms of Use for the continuing contractual relationship between the user and klimeck consulting remains unaffected.

3.4 It may be possible to order goods and services from partners of klimeck consulting from these partners or to participate in their sweepstakes or other promotions. In these cases, klimeck consulting acts exclusively as an intermediary. The switching is, e.g., via a link that is included in the partners' offerings as part of services or on the website and leads to the partner's own website for their specific offer. Questions and complaints should, therefore, be addressed directly to the respective partner whose General Terms and Conditions of Business apply to the respective order or participation.

3.5 In the case of joint actions by klimeck consulting with partners, participation in accordance with these Terms of Use and any special terms and conditions of use to be accepted by the user are the responsibility of klimeck consulting and / or our partner.

3.6 Registration (B2C)

3.6.1 A registration may be required.

3.6.2 Minor users assure with registration that the access is made in agreement and in agreement with the legal guardian.

3.6.3 Registration process Upon registration, the user must provide the following information:

Username *, password *, address, country, first name *, last name *, gender, language, email *, URL, phone number and mobile number. The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Registration requires the confirmation via an e-mail.

3.7 The user must truthfully make the information on the registration form and immediately update the information in case of changes. Each user may register only once. Registrations are not transferable and may only be used by the registered customer.

3.8 By registering, the user guarantees the accuracy and timeliness of all required information. In case of changes, the user is obliged to update his data immediately. Registration may only be made for one's own person. Registration by third parties is prohibited.

4 Registration and use as a commercial user (B2B)

4.1 Commercial users are sole proprietorships, partnerships, authorities, foundations, NGOs, NPOs, etc. This can be verified by requesting a trade registration or commercial register extract.

4.2 Professional users also follow the B2B guidelines.

4.3 The posting of advertisements or job offers requires the registration of the client as a commercial user on the website.

5 Access data

5.1 The e-mail address, username, and password are the access data for the use of the services only available through registration by klimeck consulting.

5.2 It is the responsibility of the user to exercise care in the use of IDs, passwords, usernames or other security devices provided in connection with the Services, and to take any action that entails the confidential, secure handling of the data guarantees and prevents their disclosure to third parties.

5.3 The use of their passwords or usernames by a third party will be held accountable if the user is unable to demonstrate that the access to such data was not caused by him and the reasons could not be influenced by him. The user is obliged to inform klimeck consulting immediately about a possible or already known, unauthorized use of his access data.

5.4 Should third parties gain knowledge of the client's password; the user must immediately report this and change the password.

6 Deleting registrations

6.1 klimeck consulting reserves the right to delete registrations in which the user has not logged in for more than 12 months.

6.2 The user can delete his access at any time after login.

7 Privacy

For the personal data of the user collected during the registration, our data protection advice applies. It is possible to check the privacy policy on the website of klimeck consulting or the corresponding website such as the job board and will be delivered on request.

8 Access

There is no legal right of the user to contract  and operate the contract, in particular, klimeck consulting reserves the right to suspend services temporarily or permanently at any time without stating reasons and without prior notice. klimeck consulting can reject the registration of a user at any time or exclude a user from using it. However, in the event of registration and a contract already concluded, this shall only apply if there is a substantive reason, in particular, for example

(a) if there are reasonable doubts about the correctness or completeness of the user data or the authorization of the active user and the user has not cleared the doubts promptly after submission of klimeck consulting at his own expense and provided adequate evidence,

(b) if there is reasonable suspicion that the User intends to misuse the Services or violates the provisions of these Terms of Use.

9 Duties of the user

9.1 The user is obliged in particular:

(a) to refrain from any action that endangers or interferes with the Services and / or the Site and its integrity. The user is obliged to ensure that the data transmitted by him are not afflicted with viruses, worms or Trojan horses;

(b) to set up and maintain the necessary data backup arrangements throughout the contract period. This applies in particular to the careful and conscientious handling of his personal access data and password;

(c) to promptly notify technical changes occurring in its area if the changes are likely to affect or affect the performance and security of the Services and / or the Website;

(d) to assist in the investigation of third-party attacks on the Services and / or the Website.

9.2 The user provides independently and at his own expense for his access to the Internet and the necessary technical infrastructure. The risk of loss of data on the transmission path is borne by the user. The user is solely responsible for the devices (hardware and software) used by him and for their suitability for data transmission.

9.3 The user has to make every effort at his own expense to enable klimeck consulting to provide a smooth service and to refrain from anything that could make the performance of the service by klimeck consulting difficult or impossible.

9.4. The user is in general prohibited to spy out and read out user data in order to send spam mails, to use them for phishing purposes or for other data misuse.

10 Material, media, and content of users

10.1 Meet the Germans web pages allow visitors to post reviews, comments, comments and other content. Content may be published as long as it does not contain illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory and offensive content or violations of applicable copyright or other third-party reputation or offensive content.

10.2 Contents of the user are to be written in a polite manner. In particular, no criminally relevant content such as insults, slander, coercion or even racist or sexist comments or incitement against different opinions are allowed. Also inadmissible are contents that violates normal forms of decency, such as glorifying violence, pornographic or contents not suitable for the youth.

10.3 It is prohibited to publish content of political campaigns, advertising campaigns, chain letters, bulk e-mails or any form of "spam." It is also prohibited to use an incorrect e-mail address, the provision of a false identity, or the use of misleading names that indicate a product or content.

10.4 The user must ensure that the files transmitted by him do not contain viruses or similar harmful programs. klimeck consulting can delete such files without the user being entitled to any claims therefrom. klimeck consulting reserves the right to compensation claims due to virus-related damage.

10.5 We reserve the right (but we are under no obligation) to remove or edit such content, even if we do not regularly review the published content.

10.6 By submitting content and/or information, the user grants klimeck consulting a non-exclusive, free, permanent, irrevocable and fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create content based on such content Working, distribution and presentation of this content or information throughout the world and in all media.

10.7 The user grants klimeck consulting the right to use the name transmitted by the user together with any content. The user declares and warrants that he owns or otherwise controls all rights in the content he submits and that the use of such content by klimeck consulting in no way violates or violates the rights of third parties.

10.8 The user must inform klimeck consulting immediately in writing if claims against him due to an infringement of his content are raised. The user is obliged to carry out necessary changes at his own expense in his content due to allegations of infringement by third parties

10.9 If the user is given the opportunity to publish content on the website, he grants klimeck consulting all necessary rights, in particular, the right of irrevocable and unlimited access in time and place. A claim of the user for publishing content does not exist. The user renounces for the publication on license payments in any form and makes no claims.

11 Warranty Disclaimer

11.1 The user expressly acknowledges that he has the ability to judge editorial content and bears all the associated risks. That is, even if it relies on the timeliness, usefulness or completeness of the editorial content, it should nevertheless review the content at its own responsibility.

11.2 klimeck consulting makes every effort to maintain the editorial content, however, klimeck consulting does not guarantee that it is correct. klimeck consulting is therefore not liable for damages incurred by the user of the website from the information in the editorial content, no matter for what purpose used the service.

11.3 Access to this website is at your own risk. The Site is provided 'as is' and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we make all other representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to this site, including, without limitation, fitness for a particular purpose, the quality , the suitability for trading, the performance, the consideration of third party rights, the care, completeness or other characteristics or the results obtained by the use of this website.

11.4 klimeck consulting does not warrant that this website is free of bugs, viruses, errors or other program restrictions, nor does klimeck consulting guarantee access to the internet or any other service through this website.

11.5 If exclusions of implied warranties are not possible, then these are limited in scope to the extent permitted by applicable law and in terms of duration to six (6) months after the initial access to the site.

12 Links to other websites

klimeck consulting contains links to websites operated by third parties on its website. klimeck consulting cannot control the content of this website and therefore is not liable for its content. The inclusion of these links does not mean that klimeck consulting approves the content of these websites. klimeck consulting cannot be held responsible for the content of such websites. The fact that such websites are listed on the website of klimeck consulting does not oblige klimeck consulting to the responsibility of their content. Therefore, klimeck consulting does not guarantee the following:

(a) the accuracy, timeliness, quality, completeness, and comprehensibility of the contents of the listed websites, or
(b) the reasonableness and completeness of the websites listed, or
(c) lack of access and functionality of these websites

13 Disclaimer

13.1 In no event shall klimeck consulting be liable for claims of the user or third parties or for any subsequent, direct, incidental or special damages, including without limitation, lost profits or lost savings, regardless of the form of action, whether as a contract, tort (including negligence ), in the context of indebted product liability or otherwise, even if it was foreseeable, or they were made aware of the possibility of such damages.

13.2 The User agrees that the only claim for compensation against us for any loss or damage caused by this site, regardless of the form of action, whether as a contract, tort, including negligence, under strict liability or otherwise, is limited to 500 EUR.

13.3 The User agrees to indemnify klimeck consulting and its affiliates and all of us and their affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, ambassadors and volunteers against any third party liability, damages and costs (including attorneys' fees and expenses) that result from your disregard of these Terms of Use or the disregard of any intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity.

13.4 If exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or special damages is not permitted or limited, then reimbursable damages in scope and amount are limited to the minimum extent required by the applicable law.

14 Release

The user releases klimeck consulting from all claims of third parties, including the legal costs incurred, resulting from the content of the user being transferred to the website in the same way.

15 Processes and procedures

klimeck consulting accepts no responsibility for data supplied, advertising texts or storage media in this regard and is in particular not obligated to store them or to return them to the customer. He is entitled to engage vicarious agents. He shall configure his own infrastructure in accordance with the respective state of the art in such a way that it is neither the target nor the starting point of disturbances which are likely to adversely affect the Internet service offered by klimeck consulting or, in general, a smooth and flawless network operation.

16 Protection of data, rights to the database and copyright

16.1 klimeck consulting is the owner and legal owner of the elements of this website. This applies to the data, the drawings and graphics, the photographs and the video or sound elements, all of which are protected by the law of data protection and copyright. The user of the website is denied the further distribution or use of the enumerated content.

16.2 If the rights are not with klimeck consulting, then this is clearly indicated in the imprint.

16.3 Any duplication, distribution or reproduction in whole or in part of the content of this site by anyone without the express consent of klimeck consulting is prohibited and constitutes a violation of data and copyright laws, which can be prosecuted.

16.4 The trademarks and logos of the author of the website under the trade name Meet the Germans and those of his partners are trademarks and trade names. Any complete or partial reproduction of these trademarks or logos from the website without the express permission of klimeck consulting is prohibited under the laws of intellectual property.

16.5 klimeck consulting is the owner of the content of the website and the database. All copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary rights to the database, the database and the content, data and other elements set out here belong exclusively to klimeck consulting; Any rights of the client to the content he has posted remain unaffected.

16.6 The user assigns to klimeck consulting all property rights to databases or datasets which he has handed over to klimeck consulting for publication in connection with single or multiple advertisements, advertisements or other contents.

16.7 The user may not use the data obtained by interrogation, either in full or in part or in full, to set up his own database in any media form and / or for commercial exploitation or provision of information and / or for other commercial exploitation. The linking, integration or other linking of the database or individual elements of the database with other databases or meta-databases is inadmissible.

16.8 In particular, klimeck consulting has the sole right to assert beneficial ownership of its Job Advertisement and GerMaps database against third parties (such as meta-search engines).

16.9 To be distinguished from this are copyrightable contents and / or trademarks and other industrial property rights of the user in the content of the individual job advertisements and advertisements, which of course continue to be solely and exclusively due to the user.

17 Dispute resolution

The online dispute resolution platform of the European Commission is available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. klimeck consulting is not prepared and is not obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

18 Final Provisions

18.1 In the event of breach of one or more of the obligations set out in these terms and conditions by the client, klimeck consulting is entitled to terminate the services without further notification and to remove them from the website, without renouncing any payment obligations of the client.

18.2 Agreed service elements can only be called up within the agreed contract period. At the end of the contract period, the right of the customer to call for claims for benefits not yet asserted before expiry of the contract expires.

18.3 The legal relationships between klimeck consulting and the client are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the UN Sales Convention.

18.4 Jurisdiction is Kleve, as far as the buyer is a merchant or a legal entity under public law or public law special fund. The same applies if the client does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or the EU or if his domicile or habitual residence is unknown at the time the complaint is filed. The right to appeal to the court at another statutory place of jurisdiction remains unaffected.

18.5 We reserve the right to change these Terms of Use at any time. You should review these Terms of Use each time you visit this website. By accessing this website after changing the terms of use, you accept the changes.

18.6 Severability Clause: The ineffectiveness of any provision of these Terms shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

18.7 Irrespective of the language of the conditions, the German version is legally binding in case of doubt.